In Imami and non-Imam narrative sources, there are narratives that indicate the lack of women's intellect. These hadiths, along with derogatory literature, have raised a serious challenge for Muslim thinkers, especially in recent decades. Although some answers have been given to these doubts, these answers have not been so satisfactory until today. In order to understand the hadith, it is necessary to first analyze the words carefully and analyze their semantic relations with other words in the narrations, so that a correct understanding of the word can be obtained in terms of cognates and semantic contrasts. With a semantic approach, this article examines the word 'Aql' in such narratives and tries to clarify the meaning of 'Aql' in these hadiths. The word 'Aql' does not mean wisdom and logical understanding, but the modern meaning of emotional intelligence, self-control and self-management against emotions. It includes anger and rage. Emotional intelligence, emotional intelligence or emotional intelligence includes knowing and controlling one's own and others' emotions.
Mousavinia S S, Toosi H. Semantics and Evaluation of the Word Intellect in the Narratives of Women's Lack of Intellect. مطالعات معارف حدیثی 2024; 1 (4) : 2 URL: