The word "ikhtilaaf" has different meanings in the narration of "ikhtilaafuummatirahmah". This narrative is not mentioned in the early sources of Faraqain, but it is used a lot in hadith descriptions, commentaries and some mystical sources. In some later sources of narration and interpretations of Shia, the mentioned hadith has a document from Imam Sadiq, in which the Imam considers " ikhtilaaf " to mean going back and forth to acquire religious knowledge. The purpose of this article is to clarify the meaning of the narrative, to analyze the document and its text, which was done in a descriptive-analytical method with a narrative approach and a review of sources. The findings of the research show that out of the seventeen narrators of this narration in the Shia sources, ten narrators are trustworthy and the rest are weak or not well documented. There is no evidence for it in Sunni sources. However, in terms of content, Imam Sadiq's explanation, in which " ikhtilaaf " is understood as the meaning of coming together to gain knowledge, has Qur'anic and narrative evidence. In the primary sources of Sunnis, because they often interpreted "ikhtilaaf " as meaning conflict and difference of thought, they did not accept the entirety of the narrative and did not pay attention to its semantic aspects; But the later Sunni sources, while quoting the hadith, have considered it as a proof of the permissibility of differences in jurisprudence. The results of the research show that despite the lack and weakness of the chain of transmission, there are supporting and Quranic evidences and narrations and interpretations - especially mystical interpretations - for this narration that can compensate for the lack and weakness of the chain of transmission and the statement of Imam Sadiq is the best explanation for the aforementioned hadith.
Sepahi R B, Khakpour H, Zeini Malekabadi H. A Comparative Study of the Narration of the "Ikhtilaafu Ummati Rahmah" in the Sources of Faraqain. مطالعات معارف حدیثی 2024; 1 (4) : 1 URL: